Tag Archives: Floods

Future of Voights Creek unclear in state budget

From Joe Turner at the News Tribune: Reader points out to me that the no fish hatcheries will close is misleading too. The budget says (on Page 397): “During the 2007-09 biennium, the department shall not make a permanent closure of any hatchery facility currently in operation.” So, reader wonders, “if that means that since […]

Tribes, salmon and floods

Eric De Place at the Sightline Daily Score blog writes an interesting piece about salmon and floods: …when I wrote that the costs of doing nothing about climate change outstrip the costs of fixing the problem, one person wrote asking for hard numbers. How do we know for certain which is more expensive? Maybe it […]

People and Salmon: We’re in the same boat

“Who comes first? Salmon or the humans?” Minority state house Leader Richard DeBolt asked this important question recently, criticizing salmon protection measures he believes contribute to increased flooding in the region. He’s understandably upset because his community of Chehalis was ravaged by this winter’s floods. Our hearts go out to the thousands of people in […]

Salmon Eggs Swept Away by Floods

The Kitsap Sun did a nice follow up of the effects of this week’s rain on salmon eggs in local creeks. Paul Dorn from the Suquamish Tribe is quoted. “Fisheries biologists say a relatively dry fall in the Puget Sound Region followed by Monday’s severe rainstorm was a double-whammy for migrating salmon. While the storm […]

Caring for the American Village

OLYMPIA (September 21, 2005) — When Katrina swept over the southern U.S., leaving tens of thousands of people homeless in its wake a few weeks ago, tribes across the country swung into gear to help provide whatever relief and support they could to our brothers and sisters in the South. The National Congress of American […]