TFW Downloads

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TFW Effectiveness Monitoring and Evaluation Program (EMEP) Strategy

Proposal for a TFW monitoring strategy to determine the effectiveness of forest practices in protecting aquatic resources.
TFW-AM9-96-007 – 1996

TFW effectiveness and evaluation program plan
Review draft – 1998

TFW Effectiveness Monitoring Study Design Guidelines and Resources

TFW-EMEP monitoring effectiveness of forest practices and management systems: mass wasting study design guidelines, procedures and methods.1998

TFW-EMEP monitoring effectiveness of forest practices and management systems: surface erosion study design guidelines, procedures and methods.1998

Stratification approaches for effectiveness monitoring of mass wasting and surface erosion- a comparison. 1998

TFW EMEP guidelines for monitoring and evaluating effectiveness of forest practices and forest management systems: riparian LWD recruitment and shade.1998

Trends in disturbance and recovery of selected salmonid habitat attributes related to forest practices- a literature review and monitoring recommendations.1997

TFW Monitoring Methods Manuals – Description & Overview

Habitat Unit Survey and Errata
TFW-AM9-99-003 – 1999 (Includes January 2000 updates)

Large Woody Debris Survey and Errata
TFW-AM9-99-00 – 1999 (Includes January 2000 updates)

Spawning Gravel Composition Survey and Errata
TFW-AM9-99-006 – 1999

Spawning Gravel Scour Survey
TFW-AM9-99-008 – 1999

Spawning Habitat Availability Survey and Errata
TFW-AM9-99-007 – 1999

Stream Segment Identification
TFW-AM9-98-001 – 1998

Stream Temperature Survey and Errata
TFW-AM9-99-005 – 1999

Wadable Stream Discharge Measurment and Errata
TFW-AM9-99-009 – 1999

Reference Point Survey
TFW-AM9-98-002 – 1998

TFW-EMEP riparian stand survey
Final draft – 1998

Background For Method Development, Testing and Refinement

A strategy to implement Watershed Analysis monitoring: assessment of procedures and methods monitoring module outline recommendations for program development. 1994

Field comparison of the McNeil sampler with three shovel-based methods used to sample spawning substrate composition in small streams.TFW-AM9-96-005 – 1996

Literature review and monitoring recommendations for salmonid spawning gravel scour.TFW-AM9-96-001 – 1996

Literature review and monitoring recommendations for salmonid spawning habitat availability.TFW-AM9-96-002 – 1996

Quantification of stream channel morphological features: recommended procedures for use in Watershed Analysis and TFW ambient monitoring – 1996

Shallow mass wasting: general recommendations for the development of a sediment monitoring strategy – 1998

Surface erosion from roads: a literature review and general recommendations for development of a monitoring strategy. 1997

Variability associated with salmon habitat identification and water surface area measurements. 1995

Winter habitat utilization by juvenile salmonids.
TFW-AM9-96-004 – 1996

Monitoring Project Plans

TFW-EMEP Monitoring plan for a pilot project to evaluate the effectiveness of riparian forest practices in the NW Cascades region. 1998

Watershed Analysis prescription effectiveness monitoring study: the effects of the intentional addition of LWD to stream channels in the Upper Coweeman River basin. 1998

Monitoring plan: wood in small stream project: channel reference site network. 1999

Monitoring plan: road drainage and erosion initiation in four west-cascade watersheds. 1999

Monitoring plan for assessing the effectiveness of mass wasting and large woody debris prescriptions in the Acme watershed. 1999

Onion Creek watershed large woody debris recruitment effectiveness monitoring plan. 1998

A baseline inventory of large woody debris in the upper Coweeman WAU. 1998

Monitoring Project Results – TFW Monitoring Program Progress Reports

TFW ambient monitoring program 1993-94 status report. 1994

TFW ambient monitoring program report: Watershed Analysis monitoring pilot project evaluation.TFW-AM9-96-003 – 1996

TFW monitoring program status report for the period from July 1, 1995-June 30, 1997.