Tag Archives: Nisqually River

Eight new podcasts about the Nisqually

A group of Evergreen Students recently completed a series of podcasts about the Nisqually Indian Tribe’s role in natural resources management. Emily Gwinn, Jennifer Johnson, and Joe Nance completed the podcast below on the restoration of the Nisqually River estuary. From their write-up: “Nisqually Estuary” reviews the Nisqually Delta restoration projects just north of I-5, […]

King 5 on Nisqually estuary restoration

King 5 came down to Nisqually yesterday and filed this report on the Nisqually Tribe’s habitat restoration efforts: A small tree is struggling for a foothold in the Nisqually River Delta, and it’s not alone. There are thousands of them growing up in protective white pipes, reclaiming the lands occupied by their ancestors more than […]

Vandals target tribal fishermen

From the Olympian: A vulgar graffiti message scrawled on the upstream side of the Old Pacific Highway bridge across the Nisqually River is a sign that racism hasn’t died out near the river, a Nisqually tribal official said Tuesday. The message, scrawled on the upstream side of the bridge, read: “F— the Indians fish killers,” […]

Recommendations to the Obama Administration and the 111th Congress

Recommendations from the 24 treaty tribes represented by the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission and the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission regarding treaty tribal natural resources management in the Pacific Northwest. Download PDF file: [download#2] “Among the many responsibilities Ken will bear as our next Secretary of the Interior is helping ensure that we finally live […]

Despite low chinook run, co-managers boost escapement

NISQUALLY – Good harvest management by tribal and state salmon co-managers has led to more chinook reaching the spawning grounds on the Nisqually River this year despite fewer returning chinook. “Overall fewer chinook returned Puget Sound-wide, but because we managed our fisheries the right way, we were able to reach our escapement goal,” said David […]