Environmental Management Specialist 2/Analyst – Swinomish Indian Tribal Community

The Environmental Management Specialist/Analyst leads the Tribal Response Program (TRP) including Brownfields site management and marine oil spill preparedness, prevention, and response. The Environmental Specialist/Analyst is responsible for coordinating property inventories and assessments, TRP public outreach, collaboration with Oil Spill Response Organizations (OSRO), and development of the Tribal Vessels of Opportunity and staff volunteer oil spill response programs. The Environmental Management Specialist/Analyst may also perform Construction Stormwater General Permit site inspections. The incumbent is responsible for coordinating on-the-ground TRP activities, program spending, grant management, and preparing technical reports and presentations. The position is supervised by the Environmental Manager and supervises technicians or interns as funding allows.

Closing date: priority application review begins June 10, 2024, open until filled

Full posting: https://swinomish-nsn.gov/media/146365/20240515_dep_enviromgmt_specialist2-analyst.pdf

Application link: https://swinomish-nsn.gov/resources/human-resources.aspx

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