Archive by Author

Drought, Water Quality on Many Minds

Water – how much we have and how clean it should be – is on the minds of many these days as the drought rolls on in western Washington and state government remains stalled on updating decades-old water quality standards. Tribal insistence on more restrictive salmon fisheries this year has turned out to be the […]

Habitat Must Carry More Weight

A heavy burden is easier to carry if everyone who shares in the load does their part to help support the weight. It’s the same with salmon conservation. We all value salmon and we all must share the burden to protect and restore this rapidly disappearing resource. We must spread the weight of the burden […]

The Legacy of Billy Frank Jr.

It has been a long year since Billy Frank Jr. walked on from this world on May 5, 2014. We deeply miss our longtime leader and good friend. We will continue to stay on the course he set for us as sovereign nations with treaty-reserved rights who co-manage the natural resources given to us by […]

Tomorrow’s Salmon

Effects of climate change and the ongoing loss of salmon habitat came home to roost at this year’s tribal and state salmon fishing season setting process. The result was some of the most restrictive salmon fisheries ever seen in some areas. A record low snowpack, low stream flows and increasing water temperatures, combined with the […]

Seals, Sea Lions Slowing Salmon Recovery

A population explosion of harbor seals and sea lions along the Washington coast and in Puget Sound is interfering with recovery of weak salmon and steelhead stocks, threatening tribal treaty rights and posing increasing threats to public safety throughout our region. At the root of the problem is the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) of […]

Eating Fish Shouldn’t Be Risky

Gov. Jay Inslee wants to change the cancer risk rate used to set state water quality standards from one in one million to one in 100,000. That is unacceptable to the treaty Indian tribes in western Washington. We refuse to accept this tenfold increase in the risk of getting cancer from known cancer-causing toxins, and […]

Departing WDFW Director Will be Missed

When the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission was searching for a new director about six years ago, chair Miranda Wecker said they were looking for a director with a strong conservation ethic, sound fiscal-management and leadership skills and expertise in intergovernmental relations. They got all of that and much, much more when they selected Phil […]