Tag Archives: Fry

Kitsap Sun: Gorst Chinook Run Changes

The Kitsap Sun reported on the potentially early-returning chinook to Sinclair Inlet in a few years. GORST — Three years from now, anglers and tribal fishermen should be able to catch chinook salmon in Sinclair Inlet during July — a month earlier than they can now — thanks to a new hatchery program. The Suquamish […]

Grant may save Stillaguamish River chinook

The (Everett) Herald reported on the Stillaguamish Tribe’s project to recover South Fork Stillaguamish chinook. The Seattle P-I, KOMO 1000 and The Olympian and others also picked up the story. The Herald: The Stillaguamish Tribe learned this week that it has received $634,044, which it will use to capture 15 to 20 male and female […]